Private Mentoring

**I strongly suggest you read all 5 books first. There’s a very good chance your questions will be answered.**
I’m available for private mentoring via snap chat. Heres some of the most common topics that I can help you with:

  • Advertising 
  • Appearance/Make Overs
  • ANY* Client Dilemma
  • Touring
  • Time/Money Management
  • Outreach for Emotional Support
  • Any and all inquiries about the sex industry. I have been mainly an escort but I have done all types of sex work. Adult film(major productions and amateur work), nude modeling, stripping, sugar dating, webcam, phone sex & sexual social networking. 
  • Retirement
  • and anything else you want guidance on




*If you feel you are in physical danger please get help or dial 911. I can not physically remove you from a dangerous situation. I can guide you through any situation that you are able to help yourself through


                 –LIVE MENTORING–

I type faster then I talk but I will also snap back and forth video if that’s what you prefer. My attention to you is undivided when our time begins.

30 minutes – $125

60 minutes – $250

       —Complete Strategy Planning–

Send me your questions, goals, links to ads and photos of yourself for an overall assessment. I will spend as much time as I need planning the best strategy for you and email you the written copy. No need for a live session. 24 hour or less turn around time. Please also include any limitations you may have: things your not willing to do, other life obligations, how long you plan on being an escort, are you using drugs/drinking and frequency. NO judging. We will work within those parameters for a truly custom strategy to help you succeed.

Your strategy will be based around your look, level of experience and location. Includes:

  • -Proper advertising strategy 
  • -overall appearance analysis and any adjustments to make 
  • -where you will make the most money
  • -answers to any additional questions you may have 

Emailed Strategy 500+ words – $500

Payment is accepted through the Cash website or PayPal

Make your payment here. or PayPal to Then DM/email proof of payment to set appointment time or information for your Complete Strategy. Same day appointments almost always available!

Go ahead ask me anything!