Sales FAQ

Q: How much are the books?

A: $9.99 each

Q: How many books are there?

A: 5

Q: I bought a book from the book baby store and didn’t get to download it, wtf?

A: When you make your purchase, you will be sent to a receipt page, at the bottom of the page you can choose how you want to download the book.

  • If you missed that and closed the page you can find your order # in your email and type it in at https://store.bookbaby.com/MyAccount/ebookdownload.aspx to retrieve your copy
  • If all else fails please check your bank statement to make sure the transaction went through. You can contact customer service at support@bookbaby.com or call
  • 877-961-6878 between the hours of 9am-5pm EST

Q: Can you help me with my order?

A:I am not the distributor so no I can not personally locate your order, sorry!

Q: Where else can I buy the books?

A: Amazon is a very popular choice but the books are available at every major book distributor world wide!

Q: Can I buy a paper back copy?

A: No. Ebooks are instantly available, cost less to produce and buy and lets face it..who wants a book about how to be an escort laying around the house?

                     General FAQ

Q: Can you privately mentor me?

A: Yes. Bookings here 

Q: Can you refer me to a reputable agency?

A: No. I have had multiple affiliations with different agencies over the years. It would risk my privacy if I did that.

Q: Why don’t you show your face?

A: Even in retirement, my number one priority is the safety of my clients identity. If one of their family members happens to stumble across my page and learn that the girl who their son was ‘dating’ was actually an escort, that could cause major problems in that clients life. And could be especially bad for my most high profile clients. I also enjoy my private life, privately.

Q: Why 5 books instead of 1?

A: I chose to make it a series so the prices could remain lower at $9.99 each rather then $50 for one book. Readers can start learning immediately for less money. I encourage that you read at your own pace and move on to the next when you are ready.

Q: I’m a male escort, will these books be relevant to me?

A: Yes and no. If you are gay, I think you have a lot to gain from reading the books. I was a female escort that only saw men. So I wrote with that experience. Straight male escorts will have a more difficult time relating to the content but I do recommend every book except ‘The Clients Handbook’ for straight men. When reading as a male you will relate to most of the content except some health sections.

Q: Are you really retired?

A: firstly, everyone has a price including me. If someone made me an offer I could not refuse, let’s be real I would take it. Since my retirement, no one has been able to persuade me.

Q: Are you really a millionaire?

A: yup! And damn proud of it. I was averaging 1 million a year for the last 3 years of my career.

Q: Will these books actually work for me?

A: Yes! If you read, listen and follow through with the information I provide, you will indeed do great things and make as much money as you set your mind to.

Q: If you are trying so hard to pay back the industry for your dirty deeds…why isn’t this free?

A: I post daily tips on my Instagram. Besides that, I do nothing for free, which is one of the reasons I am retired and wealthy.

Q: why are some books longer then others but priced the same?

A: you are paying for the quality of the content not the quantity of content. No matter how long or short each book is, all of the information is equally important.

Q: Books are stupid, can you just help me anyway?

A: I am not a big fan of conventional book reading either. I removed complicated language and keep it boiled down to straight facts. The books are easy and fast reads. They are on a 10th grade reading level and will take 30 minutes to read for each one. You can do it, I have confidence in you. Just think of it as reading a long ass text message from your BFF. Also please read everything on this website before you ask me any additional questions. There is a very good chance the information your looking for is already on this website.

Q: Are you going to write a book about yourself?

A: No. I was the typical sex worker stereotype. I wouldn’t waste your money on a book about somthing you already know of. Here’s the brief version. Mommy issues. Daddy issues. Drugs. Discovered guys with money. No drugs. Found a real one. Happily ever after.